Adding some spark to this dreary day

Today is a gloomy, drizzling Sunday. It has really only stopped raining for a few hours today around noon, just in time for me to walk to a nearby diner to chow down on a delicious breakfast with some of my favorite people. But that wasn’t before I went to a CrossFit class.

The best part about this whole experience for me is that I get to do it with my best friend in the entire world, who also happens to be my boyfriend. I got him to sign up with me for an eight month contract to the same gym on the same day, so we try to go together whenever possible. This morning was one of those possibilities. But the greatest part of it all on this particular morning was that my great friend Nathalia, whom I attended basic training and AIT with, was in town so she also joined us.

We started out the workout with some jump roping, push ups, and air squats. Three rounds of that. (We were supposed to be doing what is known as “double unders” with our jump ropes, but I haven’t even come close to mastering that yet. I’m thinking about buying a speed rope to have at home so I can practice when I’m not there. Instead, I just did single jumps.) Then, we practiced the upcoming workout movements with our unweighted bars (yet still heavy for me). I feel so inferior sometimes because so many people there, who look so ordinary, are so much stronger than me. I think it’s amazing what just a little but of conditioning your body can do to your strength levels.

Anyways, then we started the WOD. We were split into teams of 5, and between the entire team we had to complete 200 deadlifts, 150 weighted back squats, 125 bench presses, and 100 cleans (instead of cleans I did kettle bell swings.) So essentially, I completed 40 deadlifts, 30 squats, 25 bench presses, and 20 kettle bell swings. It was fairly easy but I can tell that it really worked out my muscles.

By far the hardest thing for me is those squats. My legs aren’t nearly as strong as they used to be. In CrossFit they want you to squat super low to get that full range of motion, but that in turn makes it so much harder. Hopefully one of my blogs in the upcoming months will say “Those squats are so easy!” -___-

So, that was my Sunday morning. And I wouldn’t have wanted to start it any other way.

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