A little about me…

Good morning!

I have to admit, I feel a little strange typing all of this and not knowing who is going to see any of this. It’s a weird concept and always has been: blogging. Why would anybody do it? Why would anybody want to write about their lives for anybody to see, with no send-to address printed on the pages, just hoping that somebody out there would be changed or moved by the words that they decided to write. I am typing this right now and honestly I still can’t think of the answer to that. I have recently developed a theory though.

See, I have found that people thrive on pats on the back. They crave people’s approval, and they feel better about themselves if they win over somebody–anybody– stranger or not. In my case….guilty as charged. It makes me feel good, just like it makes anybody feel good. You feel more confident, beautiful, able, and in turn, you get out more, do more, experience more. That’s a part of the reason why I joined a CrossFit box and chose to better my health.

Yeah, I’m rambling here. Blogging is for tangents, right? Whatever.

Anyways, yes I joined CrossFit. Weird, right? (If you didn’t catch already by the title, this blog is about me and my health journey.)

Here’s a little bit of background on my life before making this commitment: I have always been somewhat of an active individual, and I consider myself a fun-loving and energized person. But here’s the thing – I kind of screwed myself over towards the end of my high school career in 2011. I had no clue what I was doing, thought that I was enrolling in the right college, and went out on a whim. Turns out I hated that college of choice, and after my grandpa passed away that January, I wasn’t emotionally ready to leave home 7 months later. As a result, I didn’t put forth effort in my studies and I was academically suspended.

I took the next semester off (I didn’t really have a choice I guess), and then enrolled in a local community college that following fall for the year. I got great grades because that was my main focus. I had stupid part time jobs that I didn’t particularly like, and I was living in the bedroom next to my high school brother’s. On top of that, the boy from high school that I had been in an on-and-off relationship with for the last 3 years was finally dying out, and in turn I was trying to get used to that and it was making me stressed out.

Fast forward a year and a half to January 2014, and I was raising my right hand while swearing in to the United States Army National Guard. Crazy, huh?! Yeah I had never once even remotely contemplated joining the military before December 2013. I did some research, met with a recruiter, asked probably 400 questions, and decided that it was a good enough idea to give it a whirl. I think I was just confused on where my life was going and I felt I needed to make a big change. One day after swearing in (ONE DAY!) I met my now boyfriend Kevin Hilpert, and he has completely changed my life.

August 13th, 2014, I left for basic training at Fort Sill, OK. October 28th, I was moved to Fort Sam Houston, TX after graduating basic. I graduated Fort Sam as a 68W Healthcare Specialist on March 6th, 2015. I cant even begin to describe the feeling of accomplishment I felt in my heart as I rode in that taxi, heading for the San Antonio airport one last time.

When I got home, I joined my local gym to “stay in shape”. Although I thought that it would be a great investment, I guess I am just not cut out for working out on my own and trying to make my own routines. I have no real idea how to lift weights, and plus, I really am not very strong to begin with. The Army didn’t do as great of things that it promised it would do in that aspect.

So, I did some research (because that is always my go-to for solving problems in my life: Google research) and I found a CrossFit box near me. I did an intro session, loved it, and joined. Can you tell that I have a problem with making extremely rash decisions very quickly? 🙂

I have been a part of the CrossFit Mendota gym now for about a week and a half, and I’ve been to four CrossFit classes. Some have been extremely challenging (I’m talking about the intense feeling of nausea after the workout) and some have been fairly easy. I have recently been cleaning up my diet as well in the hopes that I will be able to tone up quick, because who doesn’t want that?

Let’s see how this all plays out for me.

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